Sunday, September 20, 2009

Peace One Day: Let's do something

This Monday is Peace One Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to declare a ceasefire the world over, to pause in the violence, to attempt considering what we are doing to each other and to this planet. One day.

Peace One Day began in 1998 as the dream of a British filmmaker. The UN endorsed the idea, and it has spread from the streets up from country to country.

I invite all of us to stop Monday, pray for peace, to do something concrete that will spread peace, if only for a moment. And please join us Monday for our noon Prayers for Peace at St. Paul's, or stop wherever you are at noon and pray for peace. I will offer a few prayers for peace in this space on Monday.

And please, watch this video. It is only 60 seconds. Take a minute to watch, and then take a day for peace.

The Monday Funnies will return a week from Monday.

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