Friday, August 14, 2009

Please pray for a brave, brave priest

Many years ago, I lived within a couple of miles of the border with Mexico. I was a reporter with The San Diego Union, and I covered stories on both sides of the border. My Spanish was lousy, but somehow I managed. One thing I learned quickly: The line between life and death on the border is very, very thin.

Two decades later, I remain both intrigued and repelled by the borderlands, and I am especially in awe of journalists who are covering the hideous drug war that is now spilling onto both sides of the border.

I am also in awe of the Catholic priests who are tending to their flocks in Mexico. Several have been killed, and yet they stay, they are faithful pastors and courageous followers of Jesus Christ. Those of us living in relative safety should hold them close in our prayers and count our blessings.

The other day, The Washington Post carried a terrific story about one such priest, Father Miguel López, a towering figure of faith who refuses to abandon the people of Tepalcatepec living at Ground Zero of the drug wars. Please keep him in your prayers, and please -- please -- read the story. It is the least we can do to be aware.
A Test of Faith in Mexico's Drug War: Religion Endures an Inner, Outer Struggle

By Steve Fainaru and William Booth
Washington Post Foreign Service
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
TEPALCATEPEC, Mexico -- Father Miguel López drives the parish pickup truck across the muddy river that separates two warring drug cartels. He follows the winding road through the dark green foothills of the Sierra Madre until he comes to a rusting archway where traffickers hung the severed head of his friend.

To read the rest of the article, click HERE (you may have to register for The Washington Post -- support a newspaper while you are at it).

Photo by The Washington Post

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