Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Our right to meet with our elected representatives

You may or may not agree with the health care proposals working through Congress, and maybe like me, you have many questions. That is why I hope we can agree that it is essential to have a civil discourse on health care, and to have opportunities to talk with and hear from our elected representatives on this crucial issue vital to all of us.

I am deeply disturbed by reports in recent days of thugs disrupting public meetings that are supposed to elicit public comment and dialogue about the health care proposals in Congress. Such disruptions have no place in our Democracy and are not far removed from the tactics of the Taliban. Such disruptions are shameful efforts to elicit fear and shut down the democratic process. 

That is why tonight (Tuesday) I hope you will join me at a townhall meeting with U.S. Rep. Tom Perriello, who represents Charlottesville. I hope we can here from Rep. Perriello, and hear various points of view expressed with respect and without disruption. Here are the details:

Charlottesville Public Meeting with
Rep. Tom Perriello

Where: Charlottesville High [MLK Performing Arts Center]
1400 Melbourne Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901

When: Tuesday, August 11th
Arrival Time: 5:00 p.m.
Start Time: 6:00 p.m.


  1. Pastor Richardson, who exactly are you comparing to the Taliban: concerned citizens who oppose government takeover of our healthcare system, or SEIU union thugs such as those videotaped beating up a black man in Tampa who attended a town hall to oppose the so-called healthcare "reform"?

    The Taliban arrest and imprison Christians, force men to wear beards under threat of being beaten, prohibit women from going to school.

    Who exactly are you accusing of being comparable to the Taliban?
