Monday, July 13, 2009

General Convention: Resolution on domestic partner liturgies clears committee

The news out of General Convention today is that the Prayer Book Committee reported out a resolution, C056, that would direct the creation of new liturgies for same-sex blessings to be reported back to the next General Convention in three years. 

As a stop-gap, the resolution also states that bishops "may provide generous pastoral response" in those states where gay marriage or domestic partnership is already legal. In other words, the bishop of New Hampshire, where gay marriage is legal, could do something "generous" but the bishop of Virginia, where gay marriage is not legal, could not do anything.

The resolution passed the committee by 6-0 among bishops and 26-1 by deputies. The committees have joint membership of bishops and deputies, but then each house must vote separately. You can read the full text of the resolution by clicking HERE.

Where this goes is anyone's guess at this point. The bishops may take this up tonight, or maybe tomorrow or the next day. Word is that the bishops are working tonight on the resolution that would lift the moratorium on any new bishops who are openly gay.

I'll let you know if I hear anything.

In the meantime, we will be headed to Anaheim and should be there in time for tomorrow's legislative session. We'll give you an update next when we get there, and we will be back this weekend. See you soon!

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