Thursday, June 4, 2009

Time for a picnic and celebrating our children's teachers!

This Sunday we will say a big "Thank you" to the volunteers who led St. Paul's Sunday School "Godly Play" program for our children. These wonderful adults put in many hours to launch this new program, including preparation time and their work in the classrooms. 

Our children are not just our future, they are our present. They bring us light and hope, and it is such a delight to see them "Marching in the Light of God" up the aisle on Sunday mornings.

By the way, you don't need to be a parent to be a volunteer in the Sunday School. Working with young kids could be one of the most rewarding things you've ever done. All the teachers work in teams, no adult is alone in a classroom. And the more adult volunteers we have, the more the load can be shared. Talk to Iris Potter to find out how. 

On Sunday afternoon, we will have a celebration picnic for the entire parish at Pen Park, which is off of Rio Road. Please join us and bring something to eat. There are big shelter pavilions in case of rain. Hope to see you then!

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