Thursday, June 11, 2009

St. Paul's Community Garden: Sprouting more than food!

We haven't checked in lately in this space on the progress of the St. Paul's Community Garden, located in a predominantly African American neighborhood in Charlottesville. So I went over this morning and took a few photographs in the early morning light. 

With all of the recent rain, the garden is very green with beans and tomatoes and lettuce and lots of other wonderful things. The food when harvested will be donated to the community. Great thanks goes to a dedicated group of volunteers who've lovingly tended to the garden.

Special thanks to the Rev. Neal Halvorson-Taylor for his vision and leadership and to Louise Gallagher for building the shed and to Peggy Galloway for leading the volunteer team.

I am totally inspired by this project. Besides growing food,  the garden is growing relationships between segments of the congregation that don't often interact: students, young people, retired people and all manner of families, and with people who live in the surrounding community.

In the days ahead I hope we can especially deepen our relationship with the neighborhood through this project. 

More volunteers will be needed throughout the summer. To find out how to get involved, contact the church office.

The Body of Christ is definitely growing in the garden!

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