Saturday, June 20, 2009

Bishop Johnston meets at St. Paul's

A few days ago, Bishop Shannon Johnston visited St. Paul's and met with members of our Gay-Straight Concerns group. Bishop Shannon listened as each person told something of their own story. The bishop then discussed various developments in the Anglican Communion and some of the issues that are facing General Convention this summer. 

We are very grateful that Bishop Shannon spent time at St. Paul's and with this important group in the life of our parish. We look forward to having him back on a Sunday later this year or early next year. 

I am especially grateful to those who came to the meeting, for their faithful sharing and listening, and for their courage and their commitment in standing up for the equality of all people. I pray we will continue to witness to the Grace and love God intends for all of us.

And thanks to Gwynn Crichton for the photo.

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