Saturday, June 27, 2009

Back in the Senate

You may have heard that California is struggling to fill a $24 billion hole in a $101 billion budget (were it fully funded). This is a seriously awful mess.

Meanwhile, we've been hanging around Sacramento the last few days seeing friends including folks who work in the Legislature.

So when word got around we were here, I was invited Friday morning to the state Senate, where I served as the Chaplain for four years, to offer the morning prayer. It was great seeing many old friends, and being back up on the dais. Lori took the photo. Here's the prayer I offered for Friday:
Holy and gracious God, be with our governor and lawmakers as they confront the issues that perplex them; give to them clarity in vision, creativity in thought, and openness to listening. Give to all of these leaders here gathered patience and forebearance with each other, and the courage to act not in their own self-interest, but for the good of all your people in our state and nation--Amen.

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