Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Seek patience and passion

The remainder of this week promises to be busy. There is much happening in our church and in the world. 

We celebrate Pentecost this Sunday, and I hope it will be a wonderful celebration of God's call to us through the Holy Spirit to be active in the world, listening, working, healing and seeking reconciliation and justice wherever and whenever we can. 

Pentecost is about being the Church beyond the walls of churches, and that means being involved in the messiness of the world.

Today the California Supreme Court will hand up its decision on Proposition 8, the ballot measure that would ban gay marriage. While the decision applies only to one state, many eyes including here will be watching, waiting, praying, and analyzing every word.

Amidst all of this, I thought I would give you a short poem by Maya Angelou today:
Seek Patience
by Maya Angelou

Seek patience
and passion
in equal amounts.

Patience alone
will not build the temple.

Passion alone
will destroy its walls.

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