Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Honoring Bishop Peter Lee

On Monday, Lori and I attended a luncheon in Richmond honoring Bishop Peter Lee, of the Diocese of Virginia, for his lifetime achievements in promoting ecumenical cooperation, sponsored by the Virginia Council of Churches. 

We were delighted to be there, and learned new things about our adopted state, particularly about the forthright work the churches have done together in fighting poverty and racism in Virginia. 

I was especially touched hearing a testimonial by Roman Catholic Bishop Walter Francis Sullivan about Bishop's Lee courage in the face of those who would divide the Episcopal Church over sexuality issues. Also receiving an award was Virginia Governor Tim Kaine; he spoke to the luncheon by video, and talked about his own faith formation in the social justice ethos of Catholicism, and how it has shaped his approach to politics.

The Episcopal News Service story on the luncheon can be read by clicking HERE.

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