Sunday, May 17, 2009

Graduates from Virginia to Merced: Congrats!

We enjoyed the commencement spectacle this morning on our corner in Charlottesville, with graduates, families, and all manner of academic regalia parading down the street. 

Lori and I walked up to Thomas Jefferson's Lawn for a little while to watch everyone streaming from every direction for commencement. This was a commencement like none I have ever seen -- a happy, joyful and wonderful event!

And here is a big Shout Out to the University of California, Merced, the 10th and newest campus of the UC, hosting First Lady Michelle Obama as its first-ever commencement speaker this weekend. UC Merced is located in the Great Central Valley, the most under-served region of California by all public institutions.  

Many scoffed that a University of California could ever be built in the Central Valley, much less graduate a class. This weekend proved the skeptics wrong. Students, parents and supporters sent letters and valentine cards to the White House inviting the First Lady -- and she came to celebrate with them! Click HERE to read The New York Times story. Count me proud to be a native Californian.

Again, congratulations to all graduates everywhere!

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