Thursday, May 7, 2009

25,000 Pennies from Heaven

This very generous offer comes from our friends and fellow members of St. Paul's, Charles and Joy Perry, and I highly commend it to you:
25,000 Pennies from Heaven

We Social Security recipients have been notified that later this month each of us will receive an extra check for $250 as a gift from the Economic Recovery Act.

Some of us need this money for expenses of living. For others, Joy and I included, this gratuity represents 25,000 Pennies from Heaven. Each of us intends to pass the $250 on to St. Paul's as a gift over and above our annual pledge.

We make this intention public in the hope that a number of our fellow pensioners may wish to join us. You might note on your check to St. Paul's "Pennies from Heaven."

Charles and Joy Perry

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