Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scaffolding going up

The columns on the portico  of St. Paul's echo the columns of the University of Virginia across the street. And, as anyone knows who is been there recently, the paint is badly peeling from water damage and the columns have become an eyesore. 

The scaffolding is going up this week. Thanks to the research of Louise Gallagher, our former junior warden, and Pat Punch, our current chair of the Building & Grounds Ministry Team, hopefully the chipping paint in the photos at right will be a thing of the past. 

Painting the columns turns to be trickier than simply scrapping and slapping paint. The columns have surface damage from water. We have a vendor who will be sealing and resurfacing the columns before painting them white. The vendor has repaired other columns in Charlottesville, and Pat has inspected the work.

Our columns will be done two at a time, and the entrance will not be blocked. As an added benefit, the ceiling above the portico will also be painted. The total cost of the column repair and painting project is about $6,000.

The column project is the most visible of several projects that will be underway this Spring. We are also removing asbestos from a floor in the education wing, repairing leaking roofs and fixing the faulty air conditioning in the choir room, upgrading doors and upgrading sections of the electrical system. The Vestry budgeted $75,000 for repairs and maintenance this year.

All of this work is about being faithful stewards of our tools of ministry, given to us by previous generations. Thanks to one and all for your generosity: your contributions of treasure, time and talent, and your dedication to St. Paul's.

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