Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day is tomorrow: Come join us

I was in high school during the first Earth Day in 1970. Perry Tyson, our forward-thinking principal (he really was), made sure we knew about it. He held a school assembly with speeches about the stewardship of the earth and what we could do to stop pollution. I remember we went out and picked up litter and cans beside the road that weekend. It was a start.

Tomorrow we honor Earth Day again, living under the dire threat of climate change and economic upheaval. Tomorrow evening at 6 pm at St. Paul's we are sponsoring an Earth Day dinnner, featuring more than a dozen dishes prepared with local ingredients by local cooks.

Perhaps in that small way we can make a dent in a big problem, and highlight what we can do as individuals and families to lessen our impact on the Earth. Please come join us if you can; the dinner is free.

We hope we have a big turnout because our youth group will be auctioning off splendid items (including some vacation cabin stays) to help them on their way to help others this summer. Please come for this dinner, a gift for those who care and share. 

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