Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thanks to One and all for a great Sunday!

Thanks to one and all for the One Episcopal Sunday. We collected more than 140 letters to public officials asking them to support efforts to alleviate world poverty. We also collected an offering for the Anglican Communion's work in Zimbabwe, and I heard many commitments to attend the IMPACT meeting on affordable housing Monday March 30.

We don't have to do everything. But you proved we can do something.

Tomorrow we will be in Washington DC and will be lighting a candle in memory of my father, David Richardson, at the Lincoln Memorial at a vigil for Alzheimer's victims. Please light a candle tomorrow night for him and all the people you know suffering from this awful disease. And please visit my dad's page at the Alzheimer's Association, and sign the guest book. You can find the page by clicking HERE.

And, yes, we will have the Monday Funnies tomorrow!

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