Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Light a candle with us for my dad

Next Monday evening (March 23), Lori and I plan to join a candlelight vigil on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for victims of Alzheimer's Disease. My dad, David, died of Alzheimer's five years ago, and we are doing this as a tribute to him. 

Did you know that more than 5 million people in America live with Alzheimer's every year? Their families care for them as best they can, and many, like my dad end up in a nursing home or a hospital as they lose all of their mental faculties.  It is truly "the long goodbye" and for us it was the most difficult, awful ordeal we have endured as a family.

You can join us at this vigil without leaving your home by "lighting a candle" on the Alzheimer's Association website. We've set up a special memorial page in memory of my dad. You can find it by clicking HERE, and you can donate on-line in his memory so that this cruel disease might yet be eradicated. And please sign the guest book on the memorial page.

Thank you so much!

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