Friday, February 20, 2009

The Vestry retreat and wisdom for the ages

I will be away the next few days on the Vestry retreat. I am not entirely sure where we are going; Dudley Rochester is driving, all I need to do is put my gear in his trunk. We will be led by Karen Salter, who conducted two Vestry retreats for St. Paul's during the transition and the calling of a new rector.

For those who have not been on a Vestry retreat, they are NOT long business meetings. In fact, the only order of business will be electing new wardens, a register and a treasurer. Our time together will be spent in prayer and getting to know each other better, brainstorming a bit, and building trust as a circle of faith so that we can make decisions in the year ahead on a foundation of faith. Please keep us in your prayers. 

I will not be posting for a few days. So I leave you with this, and photo is of Orion's Belt from NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (very cool website).

Selections: Hua Hu Ching 
Lao Tzu (Chinese) b.570

Do you imagine the universe is agitated?
Go into the desert at night and look out at the stars.
This practice should answer the question.


Unless the mind, body and spirit are equally
developed and fully integrated, no [wisdom] can be sustained
This is why extremist religions and ideologies do not
bear fruit.


The highest truth cannot be put into words.
Therefore the greatest teacher has nothing to say.
He simply gives himself in service, and never worries.

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