Friday, January 9, 2009

Important happenings at St. Paul's

Here are a few items from our newsletter that I hope the Charlottesville crowd catches:

Annual meeting and election of Vestry – The Nominating Committee has presented a slate of nine candidates for the six new Vestry members to be elected during the Annual Meeting. Those nominated are Darren Ball, Rhetta Bearden, Paul Brockman, Sumner Brown, Pam Dennison, Karen Loftus, Lindsay Lowdon, Kelli Olson, and Bill Wilkerson. Pictures and background information will be mailed and parishioners will have opportunities to meet the candidates during coffee hour this Sunday. 

Balloting for Vestry members will be conducted much as it was conducted last year. Ballots will be available on Friday Jan. 16 in the office from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. or at St. Paul's on January 18 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing through the start of the Annual Meeting at 7 p.m. 

Please note an important change to this year's annual meeting: The meeting will FOLLOW the potluck dinner Sunday evening Jan. 18. The dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and child care with dinner will be available. You can still sign up to sit at a dinner table by calling the office or adding your name to a sign-up sheet for one of tables. Sign-up sheets for the dinner will be available this Sunday Jan. 11. Information about the candidates for Vestry will also be available in the Parish Hall.

Bishop's visitation – Bishop David Jones will be with us Feb. 8. If you would like to be confirmed, formally received as an Episcopalian or reaffirm your faith with the bishop, please contact Rev. Jim for more information.

Community Night returns! Beginning Jan. 14th, we will have regular Wednesday night community dinners followed by an adult program and small group programs. At 5:30 p.m., we will have Evening Prayer with a brief homily by a member of the congregation. Contact Pastor Janet Legro for more details.

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