Friday, December 5, 2008

Day of Prayer for Peace - Join us Saturday

Please join us Saturday for a Day of Prayers for Peace. I will be leading the prayers throughout the day, and I will post some of the prayers on this blog as we go along so that those of you who are far away can join us. Here is an outline of what we will be doing:

Day of Prayers for Peace 
St. Paul’s Memorial Church

Dec. 6, 2008

9 am. to 2 p.m.

 Please join us for all or part of this special day. We want to give you an opportunity to express prayer though prayer, in many ways, from many traditions, and with all of the senses of our being.

 Where and What:

 The Sanctuary – Prayers for peace will be said at 15 minute intervals throughout the day, including:

         9 am – Morning Prayer

         Noonday prayers – led by Amnesty International

         2 pm – Final prayers

 The Chapel – A place for silent meditation.

 The Godly Play Room (upstairs in the education building) – A place to express prayers for peace through artistic expression.

 The Library – Paper will be provided to write your own prayers. If you wish to share a prayer in the sanctuary, please find Jim.

 The Lounge – A place for quiet conversation.

 The Parish Hall – A place to learn how to put our prayers for peace into action through organizations in our community and the world that work for peace and reconciliation. Please take a pamphlet, look at a display and pray about how you can work and donate to bring peace into our world.

Salaam     Shalom    Peace

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