Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Advent waters

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned on this page Advent Conspiracy, which is raising awareness about safe drinking water in poor nations. If you haven't checked it out, please do so by clicking Advent Conspiracy or by looking at its partner organization, Living Water, a Christian organization that is drilling wells in poor countries.

Martha Loach Webber also brought this to my attention: Proctor & Gamble has a program to raise money for delivering water purification packets to villages and other places that lack a clean water supply. The technology is simple and cheap. The website is definitely worth a few minutes of your time and your giving consideration. Click here: Children's Safe Drinking Water.

One more idea in this season of giving: Gifts for Life through Episcopal Relief and Development. Check out the on-line gift catalog for gifts that make a difference to those in the most needs.

Finally, friends at the convention of the Diocese of Los Angeles last weekend talked with some of the Holy Cross brothers about the recent devastating Santa Barbara monastery fire (highlighted on this blog last month). The brothers, ever modest, mentioned that without the monastery retreat guest house, they have no income. Donations to the Order of the Holy Cross would be gratefully accepted to help them get back on their feet: 

Mount Calvary Retreat House
P.O Box 1296
Santa Barbara, California 93102

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