Monday, November 3, 2008

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to visit St. Paul's for Centennial Celebration

It with great delight that I can announce to you today that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori  will  join us in 2010 to help celebrate the 100th anniversary of St. Paul's Memorial Church. Her acceptance letter came this morning, and so I thought I should share this news with you today. This is a great honor for our parish, and comes after Bishop Peter Lee officially invited her at my request. The date tentatively set for her visit is Jan. 31, 2010. More details will unfold in the year ahead, but please mark your calendar now.


  1. St. Paul's is full of wonderful, enthusiastic, creative people, but there cannot possibly be anyone in our parish more excited about this than me! Yay! Thank you, Jim, and please thank Bishop Lee, as well.

  2. What a way to kick off our 100th Year! Congratuaations.


  3. Hooray!!! What a wonderful event this will be. Thanks so much Jim!!! Cool!!
