Monday, November 17, 2008

Dancing bishops

My friend Carol Anne Brown brought this three-minute video to my attention. It is from the Diocese of New Hampshire promoting a communications conference in the Spring. Although this is New Hampshire-specific, the cool thing about this video is it shows what we all could be doing as churches to join the 21st century and find ways to bring new people to the church. And it is fun to watch. Look for the dancing bishops, they'll brighten your Monday.


  1. Jim,

    This is awesome; thanks for sharing it!


  2. Jim,

    In 1987 David Poist took a group of us on a Coventry to Iona pilgrimage. While at Coventry David and I attended an evening service at the cathedral. A South American band played bamboo instruments, an hypnotic sound that spiritually lifted the rafters. There was lots of dancing including the Bishop of Coventry. And, of course, David and I.

