Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bringing peace in the world: Support CIVIC

Today I am giving an unabashed plug for CIVIC - the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict. CIVIC is celebrating its fifth birthday; the organization, based in Washington DC, advocates for and documents refugees and those caught in the cross fire in the many conflicts of this globe. 

CIVIC has won bipartisan respect in Congress and by the military. CIVIC was founded by Marla Ruzicka, from Lakeport, CA, who on a mission of mercy in Iraq, was killed by a roadside bomb in 2005. She was 28-years-old. 

In five short years, the accomplishments of CIVIC are many:
  • Helped create the first-ever US aid programs for civilians harmed by operations in Afghanistan and Iraq;
  • Pressed NATO states to create a common fund for war victims in Afghanistan (which they did);
  • Trained the US military on how to help civilians caught in the crossfire.
  • Taken our mission global and traveled to Iraq, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Israel, and Lebanon;
  • Placed CIVIC staff on the ground in Afghanistan;
  • Told the stories of war's survivors to the media, the public, and to policy makers.
We talk in the church of bringing peace and reconciliation to the world. Here is an organization that is doing it. Recently CIVIC has received a 2-1 grant from a foundation. For every dollar donated, this foundation will double the match. Lori and I have donated $250, and I invite you to join us by clicking CIVIC Contributions.

Blessings to all,

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