Monday, September 8, 2008

California Here I Come...

...right back where I started from, open up your Golden Gate, California here I come!

Today, dear readers, I head back to California, my native land. I am so looking forward to being re-united with Lori. This is the longest we have ever been apart in our nearly 20 years of marriage. I am also looking forward to touching bases with our dearest ones -- family, friends and neighbors, and those who are alone.

Later this week the moving van arrives to load up our gear. We will set forth across the Great Basin on Friday, and hope to make it to Denver by Sunday, Kansas City by Monday, and back in Charlottesville by Thursday. Oh, and do please come to my "institution" as Rector at St. Paul's, on Sunday Sept. 21 at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. David Poist will be the preacher, and Bishop Peter Lee presiding. Earlier that morning at our regular services, my mentor and friend, the Very Rev. Donald Brown, retired Dean of Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento, will be preaching.

I probably won't be updating this blog on a daily basis. So I hope you will take the opportunity to catch up on a few items, particularly yesterday's entry on worship and the stewardship conference from the day before.

Until meet again, cowabunga dudes!

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