Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big day for St. Paul's

Today is the official installation, or "institution" of me as the ninth rector of St. Paul's. The Book of Common Prayer calls it a "Celebration of New Ministry" and I like that title better than being institutionalized. It is my hope and prayer that today's celebration will be about the ministry we will do together, and how in the years ahead we will grow into our mission to serve as a beacon of hope and mercy to the world around us.

The ceremony will be at 3:30 pm at St. Paul's, with Bishop Peter Lee presiding. The preacher will be the eighth rector of St. Paul's, The Rev. David Poist. And we have lots of out-of-town guests; we will process into the church the banners of the two faith communities that have formed me the most: Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento, and All Souls Parish, Berkeley.

Lori and I hope to see you this afternoon!

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