Monday, August 4, 2008

Final words from Lambeth

Lambeth is drawing to a close, and I am still reading bishops' blogs and the reactions to all that took place, all the words that were said, the angst expressed, the hopes for a Communion based not just on common English roots but following the way of Jesus. I will have more to say, but not just yet. Please let me know on this blog what you think. Archbishop Rowan Williams delivered his final address; it is long, thought-provoking, and he continues to push the idea of a "covenant." No actions were taken by the Lambeth conference, which itself may be disturbing to some, cause for relief with others. +++Rowan left the bishops -- and us -- with these words:

Our Communion longs to stay together - but not only as an association of polite friends. It is seeking a deeper entry into the place where Christ stands, to find its unity there. To that end, it is struggling with the question of what mutual commitments will preserve faithful, grateful relationship and common witness. But it must remember too that the place where Christ stands is also every place where God’s image is disfigured by the rebelliousness and injustice of our world — just as he once stood in the place of every rejected and lost human being in his suffering on the cross. To be with him in unity, in prayer and love, in intimacy with the Father, is at the same time to be with him among the rejected and disfigured.

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