Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sad to say goodbye, ready to say hello

Today marked my last Sunday at All Souls Parish in Berkeley where I have served for the past year as Interim Rector. We  tried new things, started new programs (like Stephen Ministry) and had a few flops liking moving the 8am service to a new location. Remarkably, everyone rolled along as we explored together new ways to be Church. We laughed and we cried, especially at the deaths of Sandy Graber and Dave Roberts, two remarkable parish leaders who died much too suddenly and much too young.

Many tears were shed last night at the farewell dinner for Lori and myself, and a few more tears hit the floor this morning in our services. I am so in debt to the people of All Souls, and I am finding it much harder to leave than I ever imagined. Truthfully, I am very tired of having to say goodbye -- again -- to another parish and to wonderful and dear friends.

And that makes me all the more determined to say this: I am looking forward to saying hello to new friends -- and being settled for awhile. Blessings to all...
-- Jim


  1. Hi Jim,

    We're looking forward to meeting you and Lori soon. Although we can't offer a 7000 ft. hike, you'll find North Mountain, at Shrine Mont, will stretch your legs a bit at 4463 ft. Enjoy!


  2. We are temporarily switching places! I am unable to be at Shrinemont and meet you since I will be tagging along to my husband's conference in San Francisco. I am excited to meet you both. I am a journalism major who also switched careers - I am now a health educator. I come to St. Paul's with my 14-year-old daughter (I have to drag her unfortunately.) My wonderful husband is Jewish, but joins me for some special events and services. I look forward to meeting you in August!
    Sumner Brown
